
  • Breaking Down Barriers: NEAR’s Chain Abstraction Is Revolutionizing Blockchain

    In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain, the dream of a fully interconnected and seamless ecosystem has often been hampered by the limitations of closed-garden blockchains. These limitations and the complex UX surrounding bridges have created significant barriers to mass adoption. NEAR’s Protocol Chain Abstraction is here to change that narrative and at Node.Monster, we’re […]

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  • Unveiling Distributed Validator Technology (DVT): Expanding Decentralization Beyond Ethereum

    As blockchain networks mature, particularly those utilizing Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms, decentralization remains critical. However, the growth of liquid staking and re-staking protocols has raised concerns about centralization, even in systems designed to avoid it. Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) offers a compelling solution by enhancing resilience, security, and economic efficiency. While DVT has gained traction in Ethereum, […]

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  • Game On: Chromia’s Relational Edge

    The gaming industry is undergoing a revolutionary shift with the rise of Web3, bringing decentralized, player-driven ecosystems into the mainstream. Unlike traditional gaming, where ownership, governance, and economies are centrally controlled, Web3 gaming offers true digital ownership, decentralized decision-making, and transparent economies powered by blockchain technology. Chromia, a unique relational blockchain platform, is at the […]

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  • Stake, Trade, Repeat: Node.Monster’s Key Role in Stride’s Liquid Staking Journey

    As one of the top 10 validators on the Stride network, Node,Monster is deeply invested in the success and security of this pioneering liquid staking protocol within the Cosmos ecosystem. Stride represents a transformative shift in how staking operates by enabling users to maintain liquidity while still earning staking rewards. The Essence of Stride Stride […]

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